Friday, November 8, 2013

Take care of your second brain

As per Taoists, We are controlled by two brains instead of one. Besides the brain in our head, there is another brain in abdomen which is called solar plexus. It’s found at the center of the torso, beneath the heart and behind the stomach. 

The cerebral brain is like a database which stores your experience, education and your knowledge, whereas Solar plexus is responsible for our emotions and feelings. Feelings such as anger, fear, hate, love, happiness, sorrow are generated from Solar Plexus. Since Solar plexus also controls the internal organs, in case of imbalance in our emotions and feelings such as anger, worry the internal organs gets affected which leads to chronic ailments.

In today’s world, we are encouraged to learn more to improve our brain. But we are not trained to manage our feelings and emotions which will improve our solar plexus. Because of that, the cerebral brain is overloaded and solar plexus is underdeveloped. It causes imbalance between brain and solar plexus. Meditation will help us to some extent by slowing down our brain. Still, it won’t bring the complete balance between the cerebral brain and solar plexus.

There is a simple exercise which will balance cerebral brain and solar plexus imbalance. This exercise can be done anywhere and anytime. Whenever you feel your brain is overloaded, the indications are headache, stiff neck, stiff shoulder, confusion, or illusions, you can do this exercise.

  1. While sitting or standing, place both hands on the stomach above navel and below rib cage. Face front, inhale and feel that the air expands in stomach.
  2. Exhale. As you exhale, push in and up your stomach using your hands.While doing this, turn your upper torso and head slowly towards your left as far as possible. Meanwhile twist your pelvis to the right.
  3. Inhale and back your body to face front. While doing this, let your hand release your stomach slowly.
  4. Repeat step 2 and 3 on your right side.

You can repeat this exercise 5 to 36 times. If you feel stiffness and pain in your neck and shoulders, reduce the number of repetitions.