Thursday, November 8, 2012

Yoga - Asanas

In simple terms, Yoga means connecting your body with your mind and then spirit. The purpose of yoga is to purify the body and prepare the body for long hours of meditation to reach samadhi (bliss state).
I believe the 'purify the body' aspect of the yoga can be used to heal the body of disease such as blood pressure, blood sugar, cholesterol etc.

Yoga usually consists of Asanas(physical exercise), Pranayama(breathing exercise) and Meditation. Whoever wants to start yoga, they should start with Asanas first. Once you practice asanas and strengthen your body with asasas, then they can start pranayama and then meditation.

Asanas are done in sequence. Every sequence should contain at least one asana from each group below (The idea behind it is that you move your spine in every direction(forward/backward/side/twist) and use all the muscles of your body):
1. Dynamic Asana - Surya Namaskar(to warm up the body)
2. Inverted Asana - headstand/Shoulder Stand
3. Forward Bending Asana -  Sitting Forward Bend
4. Backward Bending Asana - Cobra/Locust/Dhanur
5. Twisting Asana - Half Spinal Twist
6. Side Bending Asana - Triangle

Surya Namaskar:
If you are new to Yogasanas, it's better to start with Surya namaskar (Sun Salutaion). It's a sequence of 12 asanas. One sequence will take approximately 40 secs. You can start with 5 sequences a day and go upto maximum of 15 sequences per day. Make sure you do it everyday without fail for maximum benefits. There is a detailed steps  given in the web site:
This provides Muscle Strength, Endurance and shape up your body(especially Upper Body). Also it's a cardio-respiratory workout which strengthens your heart and lungs.
Once you master Surya Namaskar, you can start learning other Asanas from the qualified trainers.

Do asanas early morning on empty stomach. Or do it 3 hours after main meal such as breakfast and lunch. Don't eat at least 1/2 hour after you complete your asanas.

Do asanas at least 30 mins to 45 mins daily for maximum benefits.

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