Monday, April 21, 2014

Yoga for posture problems

Many of us don't even know that we have poor posture. For long time, I had flat back which I didn't even know until I started noticing changes in alignment of my lower back due to continuous practice of Surya Namaskara (Sun Salutation of Sri K Pattabhi Jois).

There are three postural problems that are very common among people.
1. Hunch back (rounded shoulder)
2. Flat back (flat lower back)
3. Sway back(excessive curve in the lower back)

Surya namanskara is the excellent full body work out that corrects all these posture problems effectively.

Please note that you should have complete focus of your mind on your body movement while doing it.

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Yogasana sequence for digestive health

Loosening Exercises:
Toe Jogging
Forward Jogging
Backward Jogging
Side Jogging
Forward-Backward Bending
Back Stretch - two variation
The above exercises are intensive. Use Mukha Dhouthi to relax yourself in between these exercises.

Breathing Exercises:
Hands In and Out Breathing
Hand Stretch Breathing
Ankle Stretch Breathing
Surya namaskar: 3-5 rounds

Dynamic Yogas:
There are five asanas that massage the entire digestive tract that is stomach, small intestine and colon.
1. Tadasana (5 times)
2. Tiryaka Tadasana (5 times)
3. Kati Chakrasana (5 times)
4. Tiryaka Bhujangasana (5 times)
5. Udar-akarshana-asana (5 times)


Anuloma Viloma Pranayama

Meditaion for 5 minutes

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Deep Breathing - Anytime of the Day

Whenever you feel dull, tired, or out of energy during the day, you can do deep breathing. It's also known as abdominal breathing or core breathing.

Here are the steps :
1. Stand comfortably with your hands on your sides or sit on the chair comfortably with straight back.
2. Raise your hands straight up to the head while inhaling.
3. Lower your hands while exhaling.
4. Keep the time spent on inhalation and exhalation equal.
5. Repeat step 2 and 3 for about 1 to 3 minutes.

If you are not comfortable in raising your hand during inhalation and lowering your hands during exhalation, you can simple keep your palm over your belly button and observe it raising when you inhale and lowering when you exhale.

This exercise allows the lungs to work at full capacity and increase the amount of oxygen in blood. It helps in increasing energy level in your body.