Friday, May 29, 2015

3 Must-Do Bodyweight Exercises

These exercises are simple and works out all the major muscles in our body. It also applies our own body weight as resistance to the muscles. Because of that, these exercises strengthens and builds our muscles.

1. Push-up ( Upper Body Muscles - Pects/triceps/deltoids)
2. Sit-up (Abdominal Muscles)
3. Squat (Lower Body Muscles - Glute/Quads/Hamstring)

It's always a best practice to do warm-up before the exercises and cool down after the exercises.

Here is the complete sequence:
1. Major Joints Exercise (Neck/Shoulder/Spine/Pelvis)
2. Surya Namaskar (3 rounds)
3. Push-up
4. Sit-up
5. Squat
6. Savasana (5 minutes)

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Why most of us are not successful in meditation

Meditation is nothing but slowing down your mind. It's not possible for us to slow down our mind, since our mind is supposed to process all the data received by our sensory organs (eyes,ears, nose, tongue and skin). With the technological development, we keep occupy our mind by watching TV, texting to friends, talking to friends, listening to music and working on the computer/ipad all day.

Suddenly, in the name of meditation, if you sit in a quiet room and start thinking nothing, your mind simply can't do it.

First, You have to train your mind to focus on something. The simplest exercise is to chant 'gayatri mantra' (or any mantra based on your religion/belief) multiple times. The key is to repeat it several times. Initially, you feel bored, since your mind expects variety, not the same mantra over and over again. If you persist, you can win.